The Call of the Open Sidewalk

From a place slightly to the side of the more popular path

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The Call of the Open Sidewalk


About this Website

I once did some blogging. It turned out that blogging was not really appropriate as most of what I wrote was not specifically about current topics and blogging is mostly about that. Changes were very awkward. Hence the wiki format. As this is a wiki I can and will update any article at any time. As a kind of intellectual honesty I have left the normal wiki change tracking enabled to allow access to older versions and the associated changes.


RSS feeds have been provided per topic. A feed that tracks changes for the entire site can be found here.

Contact Me

Corrections and comments will be gracefully accepted through email. First type “articles” then a “@” and then “”. My email address will then be revealed to you.

start.1590780978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/29 19:36 by b.walzer